Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This entire controversy about Mr. Cathy finally stating his position on gay rights was all a ploy by the GLBT. He has remained silent on the issue for a very long time because it had nothing to do with chicken (his business). The GLBT pushed and pushed for him to answer them and then when he finally did they have the "audacity" to get enraged. We all fell right into their trap. The whole point was to get the controversy all riled up again. Remember, people, it's an election year! I don't believe they anticipated the support that Americans displayed today!

I have no issue with Mr. Cathy taking a stance. It is his right to take that stance and I applaud him for not cowering under pressure. If the tables were turned and it was politically incorrect to say you support gay marriage, I would still applaud you for standing up for what you believe in.

Too many people today are afraid to speak their minds because if you aren't liberal you aren't politically correct. And if you disagree with someone and you have the nerve to say you disagree you're labeled a bully. Stating one's opinion is not bullying; it's stating one's opinion. It seems to me like liberals are all about freedom of speech ONLY if that speech is liberal. They are all about choice ONLY if they agree with the choice you make. That isn't freedom. Freedom is the ability to have your own opinion even if others do not agree.